The prime minister of INDIA shri narendra modi launched the swachh bharat mission on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd oct 2014 to pave access for every person to sanitization facilities including toilets ,solid and liquid waste disposal system ,village cleanliness and safe and adequate drinking water supply.
The programme is the implemented by ministry drinking water and sanitation
Aim of the mission : To triple the growth of toilet from 3% to 10 % by 2019 . From the present level of construction of 14000 toilets per day this action plan proposes to increase the construction to 48000 toilets per day .
To strengthen the delivery mechanism in sanitation in rural areas the following measures have been propose :
# signing MoU with staes, on water and sanitation in which state will commite to swachh bharat by 2019 as also to creaing by 2015 a unified structure at state level for implimentation of both water and sanitation , with interchangeability of funds b/w water and sanitation .
# launch of special purpose vehicle at the central level acting as a PMC will route coperate social responsibilites (CSR) funds also PPP project in comunity toilets, water purification etc.
# enable a system of small loans through agencies like NABARD, SIDBI to those households for the construction of toilets wich are anale for incentives or need funds to construct better toilets.
# developing a block level cadre of sanitation coordinators who shall be the main support to gram panchayat in dissemination information and strengthening capabilities in sanitation activities .
# identifying a swatchchata doot (messenger) of each GP in the country , equipping them with skills on sanitation and giving performance limked incentives .
# annual sanitation survey will be taken up with the focus on capturing data on actual usage of built toilets.
Information, edu ,and communication plans : a week long nation sanitation campaign was held from 26 sep 2014 to 2nd oct 2014 . the proposw SPV to be set up by 2015 will handle the ministry's requirement or IEC/IPC. NABARD has also shown initiateive in IEC/IPC.
The prime minister of INDIA shri narendra modi launched the swachh bharat mission on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd oct 2014 to pave access for every person to sanitization facilities including toilets ,solid and liquid waste disposal system ,village cleanliness and safe and adequate drinking water supply.
The programme is the implemented by ministry drinking water and sanitation
Aim of the mission : To triple the growth of toilet from 3% to 10 % by 2019 . From the present level of construction of 14000 toilets per day this action plan proposes to increase the construction to 48000 toilets per day .
To strengthen the delivery mechanism in sanitation in rural areas the following measures have been propose :
# signing MoU with staes, on water and sanitation in which state will commite to swachh bharat by 2019 as also to creaing by 2015 a unified structure at state level for implimentation of both water and sanitation , with interchangeability of funds b/w water and sanitation .
# launch of special purpose vehicle at the central level acting as a PMC will route coperate social responsibilites (CSR) funds also PPP project in comunity toilets, water purification etc.
# enable a system of small loans through agencies like NABARD, SIDBI to those households for the construction of toilets wich are anale for incentives or need funds to construct better toilets.
# developing a block level cadre of sanitation coordinators who shall be the main support to gram panchayat in dissemination information and strengthening capabilities in sanitation activities .
# identifying a swatchchata doot (messenger) of each GP in the country , equipping them with skills on sanitation and giving performance limked incentives .
# annual sanitation survey will be taken up with the focus on capturing data on actual usage of built toilets.
Information, edu ,and communication plans : a week long nation sanitation campaign was held from 26 sep 2014 to 2nd oct 2014 . the proposw SPV to be set up by 2015 will handle the ministry's requirement or IEC/IPC. NABARD has also shown initiateive in IEC/IPC.
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