Monday, 15 June 2015





PAPER-I  [Date of Exam - 21/06/2015 (FN)  - Two Hours (10.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon)]
No of Questions
No of Marks
Part A
General Intelligence and Reasoning
Part B
General Knowledge and General Awareness
Part C
Quantitative Aptitude
Part D
English Comprehension

PAPER-II [Date of Exam - 21/06/2015 (AN) - Two Hours (10.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon)]
No of Questions
No of Marks
English language & Comprehension

Written Examination. Delhi Police SI Date of Examination 21-06-2015 (FN) Paper-I
Delhi Police SI Model Paper 2015 CAPF SSC Questions in both papers will be of Objective Multiple Choice Type. Questions will be set in Hindi and English in Parts A, B and C of Paper I.
Important Note :
  • SSC may fix Individual Cut off for each section of Paper I
  • Only those candidates, who have scored above the cut off marks fixed by the Commission in Paper I would be required to appear in the Physical Endurance Test/Medical examination.
  • Paper-II of shortlisted candidates who qualify in PST/PET will only be evaluated.
  • Candidates will be called for Interview based on their combined performance in Paper-I and Paper-II.

SSC CPO Syllabus :-

A. General Intelligence & Reasoning :
It includes questions of both verbal and nonverbal type. This section may include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, spatial orientation, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making,visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, arithmetic number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, statement conclusion, syllogistic reasoning etc. The topics are, Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Figural Analogy, Semantic Classification, Symbolic/Number Classification, Figural Classification, Semantic Series, Number Series, Figural Series, Problem Solving, Word Building, Coding & de-coding, Numerical Operations, symbolic Operations, Trends, Space Orientation, Space Visualization, Venn Diagrams, Drawing inferences, Punched hole/pattern-folding & un-folding, Figural Pattern- folding and completion, Indexing Address matching, Date & city matching Classification of centre codes/roll numbers, Small Capital letters/numbers coding, decoding and classification, Embedded Figures, Critical thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Other subtopics if any.

B. General Awareness : Questions in this section is aimed to test the candidates general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of every day observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity,Indian Constitution, scientific Research etc.

C. Quantitative Aptitude : The questions will be designed to test the ability of appropriate use  of numbers & number sense of the candidate. The scope of the test will be computation of  whole numbers, decimals, fractions & relationships between numbers,Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit & Loss, Discount, Algebra Partnership Business,  Mixture and Allegation, Time and distance, Time & work, Basic algebraic identities of  School Algebra and Elementary surds, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various  kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles, Triangle , Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right base, Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities, Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart.

D. English Comprehension : Candidates‟ ability to understand correct English, his basic  comprehension and writing ability, etc. would be tested.

Paper-II : SSC CPO Syllabus
English Language & Comprehension: Questions in this components will be designed to test the candidate‟s understanding and knowledge of English Language and will be based on error recognition, filling in the blanks (using verb preposition, articles etc), Vocabulary, Spellings, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Completion, Phrases and Idiomatic use of Words, comprehension etc.
To Clear SSC CPO Exam Following  Tips & Strategies Are Useful:-

      Overall Strategy & Time Management

One of the most important and helpful tool to crack any entrance exam is to practice. Ensure that you have solved sufficient previous years’ question papers and that too in time pressure. This will increase your speed. Also do not forget to evaluate these papers to check your performance. After this identify your weak areas and pay due attention towards it. You will be given 2 hrs to solve 200 questions which means you have around 36 seconds per question, though it is not required to attempt all the questions. In general, if one is able to attempt 175-180 questions accurately there is a high possibility of getting interview calls.

      General Intelligence and Reasoning

Reasoning basically is related with logical thinking. The questions from this area are generally from areas like Number series, Coding-Decoding, Arrangement-Direction test, Non verbal ,Classification (odd one out) test, Mathematical operations, cubes and cubical dice test , Syllogisms , Statement conclusion etc. Make sure that you practice a lot for this section, get previous year question papers and notice the trend. Try to solve questions in time pressure, this will enable you to develop a habit of doing more questions in less time.

      General Awareness

This section is divided into two parts in SSC .One is static GK and the other one is current affairs. Most of the students only focus on reading newspapers and monthly magazines to clear this section but, they don’t realize that almost 80%of the general awareness questions come from Static general knowledge and science. So, you have to make Science and Static your first priority. We can further divide his section is divided into four major parts.
  •      History:
    In SSC exam history is only Indian history so, there is no need to read world history. Indian history is divided into three parts: Ancient, Medieval and Modern. Start with the NCERT history books of class 7th to 12th. But don’t read it very deeply and don’t try to cram all dates and names.

  •      Geography and Economics:
    Focus only on physical and Indian Geography. No need to go through world geography. Some questions are also asked from economy but they are very few in number. Read NCERT of Geography from class 7th to 10th and economics book of 11th class only.

  •      Science:
    The general awareness section of SSC normally contains 35% of science based questions. But technology related current affairs are normally not asked in the exam. You can start with basic NCERT science books from 7th to 10th class.

  •      Current Affairs:
    For current affairs focus on the events and happening of past one year. Read at least one news paper daily. Try to read only the important information such as names of people and places in news, names of receivers of various awards etc. Also, go through the BUDGET as well as SSC usually asks questions from it.

      Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative aptitude requires two things: 1) Conceptual Clarity and 2) Practice. The key areas of this section are Ratio and Partnership, Number theory, Average and Allegations, Time speed and distance, Algebra, Percentage, Data interpretation, Trigonometry and Geometry. Prepare these topics from class 8th,9th and 10th NCERT math books. Pay more attention towards Trigonometry, Percentage, Algebra and Geometry as maximum number of question come from these sections. In 2012 SSC increased the level of difficulty of the questions so, be prepared for difficult questions in the exam.

      Verbal Ability:

The main areas of English section will be Vocabulary, Grammar (including Active passive and Direct and indirect Speech) Idioms, Spelling test, Sentence completion and Reading Comprehension. To master this section start preparing with vocabulary as a good vocabulary will help you winning the half battle because half of the verbal ability section is filled the question based on words. Go through with the basic rules of grammar with a deep focus on Active and Passive voice and Direct and Indirect Speech. And don’t take comprehension part lightly as there will be 10 questions from Reading comprehension only.

Exam Preparation Strategy


  • Know your strengths and weaknesses – You must plan the journey well in advance. You need to understand your strengths and weaknesses so that you can focus where it is needed that most. For example, you can be strong in Math, average in Chemistry but clueless in Physics. It is important because you can turn your weakness into strength provided that you work hard.
  • Know your exam well – You must be familiar with the syllabus, exam pattern, exam notification, important chapters from exam perspective and the marking scheme. It would greatly help you in making the study schedule and improving the attempts in the examination.
  • Plan your preparation – It is crucial to plan your preparation and create a timetable. You can assign chapters and topics on daily basis or weekly basis. It would help you to cover the syllabus in time. However, making a schedule is not sufficient and you need to stick to it as well. Timetable must devote equal time to all subjects, with tough subjects mixed with easy ones.
  • Practice hard – You must remember that only learning chapters will not result into success. You need to materialize your learning into a better score in the exam which is why high practice is recommended. So practice, practice and practice till you are perfect at a particular chapter. If you practice and not cram, you would be able to crack the questions at ease.
  • Beyond studies – You must balance your extracurricular activities with the studies. By extracurricular, we mean the activities which can help you relax in the strenuous study schedule. You can do exercises to keep body and soul fit. Proper diet is also important aspect that cannot be ruled out. You must have healthy light meals which includes consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid consuming fatty and sugary foods.

Tips and StrategiesThe Days Before Exam
Those candidates who are preparing for their examinations need to keep some simple things in mind and use them for their written examination to cross the first hurdle in their way to get selected for the various positions in question.
  • Get all the recent ongoing events on your fingertips: If anything that could help you throughout the entire examination the most, it would be your understanding of the immediate environment in which you are living. It is very important to have a positive attitude towards news of national and international importance and keep them on your fingertips. These would help you immensely to solve the questions related to general awareness paper. This would also make you more subtle and confident while you answer your questions in the examination.
  • Practice is the key: This might be your first competitive exam or you might be a veteran preparing for years giving examinations to get your desired job. Regardless of the fact that whether you are a first timer or an experienced person, you must keep your daily practice going. This is the key for any competitive examination as this could only prepare an aspiring candidate to solve tricky answers in the examination hall in limited time.
  • Make way for suggestions: Whether you are preparing for the examination on your own or taking help from any coaching institute, you must device and remain open to any suggestions or methods that you come across which helps you solving questions in a limited time. This could make your chances stronger as succeeding in these competitive exams doesn’t depend solely on answering questions, but answering them on time. Hence, you should be very adaptive and prepare yourself in such a way that you could solve the questions in a blink.
  • Keep an eye on the watch: There are thousands of aspiring candidates who would like to take this opportunity and would apply for the written examination. Among them only those candidates who could score the cutoff marks could make it to the next round. In order to be in the list of selected candidates, you need to initiate you preparation in such a manner that you do not fail in the examination centre. You must keep a watch ticking beside you as you might have to answer 200 questions in 2 hours’ time, which is not at all an easy feat to achieve. This needs adequate practice and dedication while preparing for the examinations.
  • Do not strike the panic button: It is most common among the candidates to get nervous or tensed just before the examination. It would not at all help the candidates in the examination but on the contrary could lower their chances while they are answering the questions in the examination hall. A little anxiety before examinations are normal but making it superficial to control your brain and making it the reason for fear is something very dangerous and should be avoided. Candidates could take help of regular meditation or focus games to relieve the stress and dribble strategically with their mind and body functioning together.
  • Keep an eye on your health: The written examination is just one part of the recruitment. The candidates need to be on their physical best as well, because just after they get through with the written examinations they would have to face the physical hurdle to ultimately get selected. Hence, stressing too much and giving everything to the written examination alone would not help. On the contrary it is advisable to take care of your body by regularly exercising and running on fields keeping a clock ticking to measure the runtime.


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